Halloween, 2224

Motel 999 finally took possession of the latest module on their Star Bright Space Station-2, SBSS2, in September — four months overdue. The multi function module opened October one to an unenthusiastic response. Each of the new module’s two sections was the size of a modest Earth bound living room, had its own 1/2 bath, and multiple featherweight, fold up beds.

Mid October, a small group of rich entrepreneurs booked both sections for a Halloween weekend, leaving the divider in place for modesty, they claimed. The four couples invited four more couples to join them for a Halloween party. Those couples had each won company wide lotteries, so none knew each other or their bosses. They were confused why they had complete physicals and STD tests.

These four couples won their lotteries with some selective help. The male and female employees had to be adventurous, liberal, and cleared for space travel. Their spouses had to be attractive and free thinkers. Costumes had to be lightweight so the hosts agreed that all the women would be in Lady Godiva shear veils, otherwise nude, and compete in a talent contest on their broom horses. All men would only wear single sheet, open-side togas, also otherwise nude, and compete in a similar contest.

Halloween morning, as each couple arrived, the hosts, Alan and Abi, greeted them normally with hugs and cheek kisses. The hugs lasted a bit longer than casual and included a bit of flirty frottage. The station provided a lunch buffet and light dinner. Booze poured freely. As the staff cleared away the food remains and projected or hung minimal black and orange decorations, Alan asked all the men to gather on the other side of the “modesty” separator and change into their over-one-shoulder, cinctured costumes. Abi asked all the women to change into their costumes where they were. Most of them giggled in embarrassment, though some smiled proudly.

SBSS2’s crew removed some tables and chairs, folded more of them flat against the wall to open up the floor space for dancing and other activity. Refreshed booze crowded the remaining tables. The embarrassed women stripped, put away their clothes, and embraced the shear veils. The men pretended they were not embarrassed to see each other naked or anticipate seeing each other’s wives naked.

Abi stepped over to the big, Earth-facing window with her veil wrapped around her to hide her bare body as she could — very little remained hidden. “The ladies will come out one by one for you to observe. Their number is on one of our cheeks. You gentlemen will score separately for face and body attractiveness and sensuality talent on a 1-to-10 scale. The highest scorer gets to pick whom she will dance with and perhaps fuck this evening — it cannot be her spouse. The rest of us losers are on our own to find a new play toy. Men, you will have a similar competition and result. Put your scores on the numbered paper squares then drop them in the orange box. Let’s begin. Number one, come on out on your horse.” She started some Bach music and scurried behind the separator.

Number one came out with no number visible. Her veil covered her face and wrapped around her body. She trotted slowly to stay grounded with her stick up tight between her shapely legs. When she reached the end of the room, she turned and slowly paraded back, finally brushing her veil aside and displaying her pretty face and her “1” on her shapely, right butt cheek.

Half way across the room, she used the station’s low gravity to gracefully leap and spin evocatively with her horse separated from her waxed pussy. While floating in the air, she split her legs and gave all the strangers a long, clear view of her damp kitty, her veil trailing behind her. Try that, Lady G! She averaged twenty-one. Her small tits hurt her score, though her face glowed with pride as she exposed her naked body to the strangers in the room and the entire bright Earth below. Her naughty exposure created goose bumps she took with her behind the separator. Wide-eyed appreciation greeted her.

Number two launched herself into the air as she entered the room. As she floated over the male heads, she pulled her “horse” from under her, rubbing her clit with it as she did, then spread her pretty legs. Her veil trailed behind her, giving no modesty protection at all. Her shapely ass and tits greeted the few who were not staring into her swelling pussy. At the far side of the room, she bounced off the wall and flipped back with her legs held wide apart. She averaged twenty-four. Her face beamed brightly.

As the station created low gravity by spinning, the “floor” was the outer wall and the “walls” were big alu-glass windows facing Earth on one side and deep, dark space on the other. While the stars make an impressive field, letting an entire planet see you naked and flaunting your sex had a strong exhibitionist thrill especially as the staff reminded guests that maybe hundreds or thousands of people with telescopes were closely watching the station and motel modules at every moment.

Next, number three came out covered in her shear robe and bounced against the space windows in a full split. As she zigged overhead across the room, she released her robe and let it float to the men. Her naked acrobatics in the air showed off her muscular, toned legs and abs perfectly. Despite her sculpted pecs, her soft tits floated their charms and stiff nipples for her hardened admirers. Her deep breaths pushed her big tits out for them to admire. Finally with an excuse to be naked before strangers, she held her knees apart as she spun slowly for them, ensuring a long look at her meaty pussy and gaping anus. The lusty show caused many togas to surge. Her performance earned her twenty-five.

Number four was at a disadvantage. Her plain, long face and scraggy body with tiny tits hardly drew a welcoming response from the men. She was used to the insulting looks, but today she could show what her husband never allowed. Her veil safely covered her until she shed it. She stopped short and flipped over her “horse” slowly exposing her perfectly sculpted, bald pussy. She smiled when she saw her husband’s horrified face. When she landed flat on her feet, the men noticed she had been holding something in her mouth — a corn cob. She pulled it out slowly until all nine inches of it balanced on her lower lip. Licking it seductively, then pushing it back down her throat earned her vital points. Her husband simply nodded.

Not done gathering points, she paraded naked in front of the men close enough to brush the most prominent tented togas. Bending over backwards in front of them, she pulled the corn from her throat and slowly slid it into her pussy. Watching her sculpted lips cling to the kernels caused more togas to bounce. After wiggling her cob-stuffed snatch at them, she bounced upright and grabbed the source of the biggest tent under his toga. Her husband stood in shock next to the gifted stranger. She squeezed, tugged, twisted then exposed the hidden cock. Flipping upside down, she kissed and sucked the stranger’s thick weapon as she offered him her pussy to eat and violate. He pushed his tongue and finger into the wet snatch as her husband watched closely. After a minute of vertical 69, she pushed away with a loud pop, grabbed her veil and retreated to loud applause. She earned an average twenty-six points — thirty each from her husband and the lucky strange cock.

After a brief pause, beautiful yet shy number five peeked out her head and shoulders. The men cheered her on, but she stayed hidden — until someone shoved her out. She tried to cover herself with the sheer veil, but that only made the men start cheering, “TAKE IT OFF” as she flew over them. She held her fetal, covered stance to the far wall, then pushed off hard to get back to the modesty panel. One of the men grabbed and yanked her veil off which threw her into a diagonal spin flat against the window. She froze there for a second, spread eagle, then bounce over the men like ye old crowd surfers. As they latched onto her shapely tits and speared her pussy, she gasped and squealed and tried to twist away. Her heart raced, yet she refused to admit how much she enjoyed the contact. When she finally broke free of all the probing hands, they rated her a twenty.

To all the male’s surprise, numbers six, seven, and eight came out together. As they “raced” across the room on their “horses,” they wobbled the sticks across their clits. The race seemed to become about who would cum first. The wall came first, so the women cast off their veils to great cheers. When they reached the modesty wall, they cast their “horses” away and held hands as they floated in a circle formation, feet wide apart. Their formation changed as men fingered them in the air. So close to climax already, their immediate moans spurred the others to lusty heights. Delaying orgasm was not possible.

After allowing and enjoying the fingering awhile, they came shuddering and moaning together in a hug with passionate kisses. Tongues tangled in and out of mouths to step up their lustful show. They fingered and tasted each other as they floated. Soon two began a slow, aerial, sixty-nine with extra loud slurps. Six fingered herself then used a wet finger to rub a spread ass. That woman came on her partner’s face and spread her nectar by her second shuddering climax. After a gentle spin, six rimmed the other woman and fingered her ass until she too came, shuddering her juices on her partner’s face. The men were dazed silent, except for the deep breathing.

Seven tumbled precisely until her face was in six’s pussy. As she began to eat her, eight spun to put her dripping pussy on six’s face. Several men moaned. The lusty, oral, three-way kept the men fascinated and hard. With her pussy and clit under attack, six came quickly. Her vibrating orgasm transferred to eight’s pussy and made her cum again and soak six’s face. The three Sapphic lovers saw the other five women all fingering themselves and landed happily holding each other’s pussy. The men gave thirty points to all three.

All eight women gathered naked behind the divider for just five minutes to catch their breaths and celebrate their bravery. The men huddled to make a plan. It wasn’t a great plan. They decided to rush out all together as warriors in short togas. So, they did. Shouting and bellowing war cries, they raided the women’s side of the divider. Two flew steady above all; two ran at the women to “herd” them together. Four did cartwheels over all heads. Their cocks whipped about, exposed for most of their spins. Being the biggest though not the hardest, they earned twenty-six points each.

The flat fliers let their togas fall open below them and also earned twenty-six points. The two grounded men growled and stomped their feet, sending them briefly into the air. They spun to lift their togas. Their dance antics earned them twenty-eight points, but one earned two more points for sharing his stiff cock with every woman’s hand and mound.

The three female winners picked three men and fearlessly showed the others what their hosts expected of them. Their attacks blew the men off their feet and immediately sent togas flying. Hugging as they tumbled in the air, stiff cocks found wet pussies and they quickly learned how to fuck in micro gravity.

Ignoring the party rules, the others began their impromptu orgy with random, passionate kisses, fingering, hand jobs, and oral. When a married couple accidentally connected, they turned and tapped on another couple to “cut in” for a turn. The only complications were when a fucking couple weren’t holding each other, as in anal or simple fucking from the rear. Most made a game of thrusting without hanging on, thus launching their partner, then quickly grabbing hips or other parts to pull themselves back together with a crash — a game difficult to play in one G.

The fucking Halloween orgy continued well past the male’s ability to perform — they used fingers and corn to keep the women cumming late into the night. Finally sore and exhausted, everyone retreated to a cinctured bed for the night and fell asleep watching Earth spin by.

Morning came early with ship’s bells waking them. SBSS2’s sharply dressed crew quietly cleared the room, then set up a breakfast buffet as they silently ignored the naked male guests stumble out of bed like zombies with morning wood. The nude women watched too and smiled though some also had their little man standing. After toiletries and during breakfast, cocks withered — briefly. Watching naked tits and female asses sway caused most cocks to resurrect. When one man couldn’t resist eating a friend’s wife as she ate, the orgy began again. Recorders came out and caught an airtight four way, two three ways, then casual anal and oral play.

In the middle of the dizzy orgy, the crew entered and setup for lunch. No one cared that the Halloween theme was over or that they had one last meal before returning to Earth. Some food became sex toys; some was consumed. Hours later, they decided to dress for dinner and celebrate their intimacy. That didn’t stop gentle cock grabbing, nipple pinches, or fingering wet pussies. They all promised to stay in touch and maybe have other theme parties, though they sadly knew that was unlikely.

Two hours later, Alan and Abi stood at the entrance to the Earth-bound shuttle with the other seven couples lined up to leave. Though the hosts could not remember most of the names, they greeted everyone warmly and their parting gift was introduction to the hedonist handshake. As the first couple approached, Alan pushed the female’s shorts and panties to her knees and cupped her naked mons as he wished her “safe flight” and slid a finger into the swelling pussy three times. He pointed to Abi who demonstrated the complementary handshake with the husband. She pushed his slacks and boxers past his knees and squeezed his swelling cock.

“You can only shake it three times and still call it a handshake,” she explained. “After that it’s a hand job and rude to stop before he cums. Your turn on my husband.” As the others watched six pushed Alan’s clothes to his ankles and his already stiff cock leapt up. As Alan licked her pussy elixir off his fingers, she squeezed his cock hard before shaking it and sliding his foreskin down three times. “Excellent.” Pointing to six’s husband, Abi added, “Your turn. You haven’t said goodbye to me properly.”

This is why Abi wore shorts. He pushed her shorts to her knees and happily noted she was commando so her pretty pussy was immediately available. With a big grin and growing cock, he cupped her pussy and pushed a finger deep inside her three times before extracting and licking it. He kissed her passionately as his stiff cock found its way between her warm thighs and against her wet pussy. Alan did the same with his wife.

“Not part of this special handshake, I think it’s rude to let you leave with a wet cock.” Abi bent and licked his cock clean as his wife licked mine. “I suggest you finish him off in the shuttle. Be sure to catch every drop to avoid the cleanup fee. You will all find a video of our time together in your cloud accounts.” She dressed, but he couldn’t get his cock back in his slacks so he left it out as he boarded. The next couples got similar treatment, except for the last two who enjoyed eating Abi and making her cum for them. Her flushed face told her reaction.

“Alan, have you picked the names for the New Year orgy yet?” Abi asked as they fully stripped at the portal, then waved goodbye before slowly spinning in airborne sixty-nine down the corridor and returning to their cleaned and reserved suite.