Another in the collection of Tales from the Road

Designated driver

Many thanks go to RF-Fast for editing and suggestions that enhanced the story. Any bad grammar left is wholly on me and my artistic style.

LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All characters active are of the age of consent.

I don’t consider myself a writer or author, I’m a storyteller. So please take that into consideration when you read it, it should be read like someone is telling you the story. I am not now, or never have been, an English major. So synonyms may be wrong, and the grammar may not be correct, but it is like people really talk. I’ve never talked to someone that had perfect grammar.

I write for my enjoyment and for the patriotic people that like it. If you don’t like how and what I write, oh well. Don’t read it. My feelings won’t be hurt.

To all the true Americans in one uniform or another, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! And remember, The greatest enemy of the United States Constitution and your individual freedoms and rights is not Red China, is not Russia, is not ISIS… no, the greatest threat to America is the American Mainstream Media, their corruption, their dishonesty, and their rabid political bias toward the American Socialist Democrats.

For those of you that do like what I’ve posted so far, thank you and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Copyright (c) 2022 by Acup

As I was perusing my directory of ideas and kernels of ideas, I discovered that quite a few have vehicles of one sort or another as a common theme. This is a collection, not a series. While the stories are numbered, they are in no way connected beyond that common theme. Some may not have much of a beginning or an ending, but I hope you find them interesting.

* * *

I’m just one of the many drivers you see on the road in town every day. Some will have the sticker somewhere telling you what service(s) they drive for, others like me prefer to remain anonymous.

And it was just a day among many others. Mostly your everyday rides, people needing to get from here to there. Some regaling you with their sorrows of how they lost their license or their car. Others on the way to or from the hospital or doctor’s office and sharing their particular malady. Many in whatever they could throw on and a few nice ladies that didn’t mind showing off their figure a bit, short skirts, low cut tops, a few braless nipples standing out on swinging tits was always a nice bonus. Toss in a few people or couples going to or from the airport and you have the usual day in the life of a service driver… almost.

I’m one of those that drives to keep busy and for the extra money, but I don’t have money tunnel vision. I’m not up at the crack of ‘way too damn early’ to catch the business travelers going to the airport, and I don’t stay up to ‘way too damn late at night’ to catch all the drunks coming home from the bar.

I’m a bit of a night owl, but don’t need somebody puking in my car!

So living in the country I get up as the sun comes up, unless it’s pouring down rain, then I roll back over. I go through my morning routine, hit the drive through for breakfast, and drive into town and get to the outer loop just catching the tail end of rush hour.

This was one of the nicer spring days. Sunny, but cool enough to crack a window instead of turning on the air unless I had a passenger. It was just after lunch, and I had just finished up one of my nicer and rarer airport turn arounds. A nice couple going up, her in tan leggins and a white top, braless from the movement and firm nipples standing out. The leggins just loved her pussy and ass eating them up.

My return pickup three doors down was a business woman in a red wrap around dress and stockings. I knew they were stockings because while she was on the phone waving her hands as she was discussing whatever problem she was in town to solve, her wrap around became a bit unwrapped for a while on her legs. A little more and I’m sure I would have gotten a panty, or pantyless, shot.

While I did see bra lines, it and the dress did very little to hide her thick nipples with the long bars through them. Tilted at a bit of an angle… I’ll bet a string around her neck to those beauties would make an interesting picture. She slipped her jacket on when I dropped her at the convention center. Too bad all the guys would be deprived of the vision of her pierced nipples dancing inside her dress.

I was smiling, and enjoyed my next couple of not to shabbily dressed ladies, when I got a ping to pick up Marci on ‘the row’. Every city has one. Situated in the right area between all the college and business places. Nice area, not a hole in the wall among them. At night it’s the party area, during the day it’s mainly meals and some business lunches. Usually fares here are good for a decent tip.

It was fairly busy for mid-week, so I pulled up on the corner at an angle to get a good view of all the hot babes milling around while I waited and hit ‘Arrive’. To my surprise the end lady of the three hot babes right in front of me shot her hand in the air whooping and then began looking around.

I took quick stock of them as they made their way to my car. The buxom brunette in a barely mid-thigh strapless tube dress that looked like it was threatening to roll off her tits. The blond with the bob cut in a pink unlined lace corset with the tiny straps that fasten at the back edge of the cups and a short pleated white skirt. I could see dark areola even from here. The flaming red head in a green satiny halter letting her nipples poke out and a crotch eating pair of thin light pink terry cloth shorts. Almost in the Daisy Duke category.

It became very apparent that although it was only two o’clock in the afternoon, these three were well on the way to being plastered. Even I chuckled when one of them wanted me to stop so she could give some guy her number. The other two had to haul her back in the window. She also had to pull her tube dress up, areola had shown nicely and a large lump of nipple almost popped out.

This little snippet of my in car camera would definitely be saved to my private archive!

While they were reeling her in, I adjusted my rearview mirror down a bit to catch the pink lace covered tits of the girl in the middle.

As the ride progressed I discovered miss barely dressed in the middle was the birthday girl. They were headed back to her apartment for a few hours, then back out to party some more. It almost made me want to keep driving that night. I could just imagine what they’d be like with a bit more alcohol in them… not that the birthday girl really needed any more.

“What about you Don, would you go out with us?” she asked as she leaned forward a bit and gave her tits a bit of a shake.

“Cherry!” the red head gasped.

“What? I bet Daddy Don would love to take us all out.” She looked back at me grinning, “How about it Daddy Don, want to give us a run?”

The brunette got in on the ‘Daddy Don’ and thrust her chest at me, the red head gasped, then grinned and began pulling the neck line of her halter out and down showing a lot of inner and top of tit.

It was good and bad we were only a few minutes from the apartments. It was getting to be more than I could give polite answers to, and the birthday girl was trying to figure out how she could roll down the cups of her corset.

She did give me a parting shot though, as in a nice shot up her short skirt. The ones on either side got out their doors, the birthday girl stood and bent at the waist to get out of the car. I got a nice view of bare cheeks and rosebud split by a tiny yellow string down to a pussy that was VERY hungry for minimal camel toe. As in most of that tiny triangle was between her lips!

I was EXTREMELY happy the in car cam got a decent shot of that. I made a few nice edits of that ride, and enjoyed them several times that night. I got a bit of the brunette trying to come out of her dress, but the headrest blocked most of it. It was still a nice bit of tit trying to pop out though.

But driver karma was in full force, my next passenger was a ‘two ton heifer’. Well into the three hundred pound category wearing clothes that were never meant to be stretched over something that large. Long saggy huge tits sitting off to the side of her fifteen month pregnant belly roll under her top.

I unloaded a lot of Fabreeze when she got out, and smiled at the memory of the pussy and ass shot the birthday girl gave me getting out.

The next few weeks were fairly uneventful compared to that day. I did get a few decent sweater bumpers and swinging braless tits. The white wrap around dress from the hot babe I picked up at the executive hotel was nice, no sign of bra or panty line in that one!

I was having a day of doctor’s office and hospital runs with a few from the medical school mixed in, and picked up a blond in a nice set of scrubs yacking away on her phone giving me a bit of a cleavage shot as she got in.

I kept looking at her in the mirror, she looked familiar, but then so did a lot of ‘familiar strangers’. She got off the phone with a few choice words after she ended the call. I smiled as it clicked… the birthday girl!

“I see you survived, how about your friends?”

She looked at me wondering what I was talking about.

“Your birthday.”

She looked at me a moment, then her eyes went wide as it clicked for her. She kicked her head back against the seat and moaned, “Oh God…”

I chuckled, “Well that’s quite the step up from what you called me the last time.”

Her head snapped back forward, “Oh hell, what did I…”

I smiled and she relaxed, “No, nothing bad.”

She let out a long breath, “Whew, I’m sorry if we were a bit over the top. A lot of that day is a bit of a blur.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, it was only around two and you three were pretty well into it. Your one friend wanted to climb out the window to give some guy her number.”

Her face went to her hands, and she peeked between her fingers. “Did we, I mean did I…”

I just smiled.

I heard a sigh from the back seat, “What did we do?”

“Well it’s not every day an old guy like me gets hit on…”

There was a soft “Oh fuck.”

“But I took it as a compliment, even if you guys were a bit out of it. It’s always fun taking hot babes for a ride.”

She smiled, then turned beet red. She started talking about anything and everything to get away from the birthday day ride topic. I made one or two little swings towards it, and she promptly steered the conversation away.

She had calmed down by the time we made it to the restaurant to meet some friends, but she paused before getting out. “Thanks for not making a big deal out of the birthday ride Don, I appreciate it.”

“It was no big deal, maybe you’ll catch me again some time.”

“Can I request you?”

“Not that I know of, but here,” I reached down to my console and handed her one of my generic cards. Name, phone number, and email address. “If you want to, drop me a text, if I’m in the area we can work something out.”

Cherry smiled, “Great! Give me one and I’ll put my number on the back.”

I shook my head, “No, you think about it first. If you really want to give me your number in a few days, then text me and we’ll go from there.”

Cherry looked at me a moment, then leaned forward between the seats and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before getting out. The kiss was nice. I didn’t get a look down her dress as she leaned forward, but there was a damn good chance the camera had just the right view.

She must like sheer pink lace, and front hook for easy access too!

I enjoyed the ride, but soon forgot about it in the day to day mix of passengers… until about three weeks later. I got a call from a number not in my contact list while I had a passenger, so I let it go to voice mail, and promptly forgot about it until that evening.

‘Hey Don, this is Cherry. I haven’t had a chance to text you about a regular ride, but we have a bit of a different driving question. Give me a call when you get this, we’re usually up late. Bye.’

I glanced at the clock, a little after seven, so I gave her a call.

“Hi Don!” she answered all excited.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Well, we were wondering. We wanted to go out Friday, but no one wants to be the designated driver.”

I chuckled, “What, you drew the short straw did you?”

The soft groan confirmed that.

“So we…” I asked.

Cherry rattled off some names. “So that’s what six… seven?”


“I can only take four in my car.”

“Marci has a van, we can take that, we just need somebody to drive us. If we have to use a service, we can only go two in a car because of the limited stops and that gets EXPENSIVE…”

I chuckled, “Money better spent in liqueur huh?”

Cherry chuckled, “Wellllll….”

“Text me names and addresses and the address of the place you are laying siege to and I’ll take a look and let you know.”

Cherry squealed, “Okay!” and hung up. Almost half an hour later I got a text with a list. They weren’t all that spread out, and the bar wasn’t a half bad place. I knew the bouncer, so that helped.

Cherry and I negotiated back and forth via text and came to an agreement. Marci would be responsible for gathering the herd of cats and getting them to Cherry’s. I would take them from there to the club and then take each home in turn. Turns out Cherry and Marci lived in the same complex, so those two would be the last dropped off. The first night was going to be restricted to four hours on site. I just knew they were going to try and push that just a little.

The girls were all ready. I smiled, Marci was the brunette that tried to come out of her tube top dress when she wanted to give the guy her number. The girls were dressed a lot more conservative than birthday day. Not that they didn’t look hot, and for the most part slacks and shorts and skirts all clung to some nice asses. A fair amount of cleavage, but no camel toe or proud nipples and swinging tits tonight.

They piled in with Cherry riding shotgun, and we made our way to the club. I dropped them off at the front door, Lance was grinning and shaking his head. Both of our former girlfriends had hit the menopause brick wall about the same time. He went to work at the club to ogle the coeds and take one home from time to time if he wasn’t banging one of the waitresses. I went driving and enjoying some good on line porn. I’d had a few dates, but after Barbra, I wasn’t hunting much, and most of the younger ones that still had hormones weren’t looking for a guy my age.

Lance whistled at one of his guys, pointed to me, and then the VIP parking spot next to the door for the guy to move the traffic cone.

I had just started to back in when some asshole in his Lamborghini tried to squeeze in, then began waiving for me to get out of his way. I just kept backing in and shut it off. He got out of his car and began walking toward me ranting. He stopped as he got close as I opened my jacket. Lance and I met at our conceal carry classes.

He huffed back to his car and found a spot. He was going to follow me in the VIP line, but one of Lance’s guys stopped him. He was ranting again about ‘Do you know who I am?’ They looked at Lance, he just shook his head. Asshole was going to have to wait in line with the babe that had a lot more skin than clothes showing, and she didn’t look like she was appreciating it. He was probably another one of those idiots that believe their own press clippings, a legend in his own mind.

Lance said that one of the regular VIP’s came through shortly after I went in, and with a whisper from Lance, took the babe off of assholes arms and took her into the club. You don’t piss the head bouncer off. Asshole also had to wait over an hour to get his car out of the lot, somebody ‘accidentally’ parked in front of it.

The girls had gotten a table roughly in the middle of the mess. I gathered them and the drinks of the two on the dance floor and took them to a table just inside the VIP area. It wasn’t the best table, but the VIP area was elevated, and I could see them anywhere in the bar. I was ‘ooh’d and ahh’d’ for getting them in the VIP area… then they deposited their little purses in front of me and made a dash for the dance floor.

Very shortly I hit Lance up for a set of ear plugs. Those noise canceling ear buds I had been trying to talk myself into were looking better and better. As the girls came and went, I was occasionally handed a purse back after they dug for something, one of them holding it against my jacket. ‘It just doesn’t go with your outfit,’ was the drunken giggle before my accoster scooted back to the dance floor.

I called time, and the girls manage to worm an extra half an hour before I got them back to the van. Good thing it was right outside the door, three drunk women trying to walk hanging on to each other doesn’t work very well. Good news is that I only had four to drop off, two had found ‘other transportation’ to get home… in the morning.

Ah to be that young and care free again.

The ride dropping the four off was interesting. Drunk girls have no filter taking about the guys they danced with and groped and got groped by. A petite little blond did the squirm thing to get her bra off without taking her top off. I smiled, she sat there with one nice little pointed tit hanging out the neck line for almost half an hour. It popped in on its own as she got out of the van.

I wish I had my camera in here.

I got a nice kiss and grind from Marci as I dropped her and the van off, I was walking Cherry across the lot to her apartment and get my car. She groped my ass a few times and giggled doing it, but after almost falling twice, I just picked her up and carried her. Her top hanging open showed her pink lace covered tit in the lot lights. I didn’t feel anything on under her slacks, so it was commando or that little g-string again.

She managed to make it in her door, and I headed home. I watched the birthday clip and the down the blouse clip a couple of times and unloaded in the trash can before calling it a night.

The next few weeks were back to ‘normal’. The usual rag tag bunch of riders, had one guy with the guts to request a ride from the junk yard. I’ve had a few people picked up from there when they sold their cars, but a dirt and grease covered slob with a dripping power steering pump in his hand? He had the audacity to get pissed when I refused to let him get in my car. I let the pick-up timer run out and mark him as a no show. I’ll never see his filthy ass again!

It was almost a month later I got a text, ‘Want to drive again?”

I chuckled, ‘You can’t talk anybody into being the designated driver again?”

I got a tongue sticking out emoji back.

‘The same gang?”

‘Kinda,’ and a list.

Four were the same, but now there were eight. One more than the van was designed for. ‘Eight for seven seats?’

‘Sonya is tiny, and only a few blocks from the club.’

I sighed, ‘Same price per girl?’

‘See you Friday,’ and a happy dance emoji.

I shook my head, and went shopping for the noise canceling ear buds after I logged off for the day. I also planned to bring one of my Walmart blue bags with me. I’d turn it inside out, but I’d have a container for all the purses.

Friday the herd was all set, well seven of eight. And yes Sonya was a tiny thing. If I hadn’t known the rest of them, I would have taken her for a high school kid. She was young, one of those kids that wizzes through school. Several years younger than the rest of the girls, but several years ahead of them in school. I’d have to keep an eye on her, or more appropriately, the guys going after her tonight. Little did I know.

The girls headed inside, and were waiting on me at the VIP ropes. The kid minding the store was slack jawed at the old guy escorting eight hot babes into the VIP area. Of course they hammed it up before the billiard break to the dance floor.

I LOVE these ear buds. I was listening to some nice mellow jazz while I watched tits and ass wiggle and jiggle. I could feel the music, but I didn’t have to listen to it. As some of the girls came and went, I found I had to cock one ear bud just a little to let some of the noise in so I could hear what they were saying.

I was keeping an eye on Sonya, and the guy she was dancing with was being a bit aggressive. I was just about to go intervene when he let out a howl and started to drop to the floor grabbing his crotch. Her fist met his nose as he went down changing the tone of the howl. The girls just cheered her on. Lance shook his head as the guys dragged the idiot out the door.

Cherry grinned. Sonya had four older brothers, she knew just where to plant the knee and fist. Her brothers had to use padding when they worked out with her. I laughed and shook my head, she just grinned and smiled. The guys left her alone if she stopped them.

Cherry tried to get me out on the dance floor.



“They don’t play anything even close to my speed.”

“We could pretend…”

I sighed, she smiled. I thought a bit, then had an idea. “Hang on.”

I went to Lance and got a pair of ear plugs. I took one of my ear buds out and put a plug in, then handed a plug and ear bud to Cherry.

She grinned and put the plug and ear bud in and drug me to the dance floor.

I selected a nice slow number, and she grinned and cuddled against me. We could still hear the racket from the club in the background with one ear plug apiece, but she cuddled in and put her head against my chest. I put my arms around her back and we did a nice slow dance in the middle of the pandemonium.

She grinned as she handed me the plug and ear bud back and went off to gyrate with her friends. I was surprised Marci, Claire, and even little Sonya got in on the act. Of course Claire and Sonya just happened to be at the end of the night so the girls wormed an extra hour out of me.

We only lost one to alternate transportation tonight.

Cherry was a bit less inebriated tonight, we actually walked back to her apartment. She tried to invite me in with a lot of kissing and grinding. I was very tempted, VERY tempted. But she was under the influence, so no.

It was only a two week gap this time, and seven girls. The outfits had gotten a bit more interesting, but not a lot. There were several of the other young women on the dance floor that were having more success in catching the guys for the night, and my herd was not happy. I just chuckled.

“What?!” Marci hollered. “What do those sluts have that we don’t?”

I looked over, and while the girls they were pointing at weren’t dressed all that different, “They’re just not hiding their figures.”

“WHAT!” Marci gasped and looked down at her barely encased body. “Like what the hell am I hiding?”

I rolled my eyes, I should have kept my mouth shut.


I glanced over at a particularly hot babe, tits jiggling and a nice hint of nipple, then back at Marci. “You wearing a padded bra?”

“Of course.”

I just smiled.

“What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

I scanned the women at the table, all had the ‘perfect shape’. “Are any of you not wearing a padded or shaped bra?”

I think Cherry was the only one that raised her hand, and I knew she had a pink lace thing of some sort on.

“So you all have the perfect shape, and every guy in here knows it. And I bet none of you have that shape without one.”

Marci had too much to drink, “SO!”

“To a guy, that’s false advertising.”

“How’s that?”

“Some of you like hairy chests, some don’t. Now what would you think if every guy in here wore triple breasted long sleeve shirts buttoned up so you had no clue if he had body hair or not?”

I had seven fish out of water. I turned to my phone and selected the next few songs. The table was a bit solemn, and we called it an early night. I got a soft not to drunken kiss from Cherry.

I wasn’t expecting to be their driver again.

Surprised the shit out of me, I got a text four days later, ‘Lunch?’

I looked at my current ride and the one in queue. ‘One o’clock at The Bistro?’


I found Cherry in her medical school scrubs, and Marci in a shirt with one button fastened over what looked like a sports bra and leggins.

I sat down and looked at them a bit, the waitress coming up for our order just prolonged it. A bit more silence after that…

“So?” I said.

They tried to talk at once, then Marci took over. “We wanted to say we’re sorry for the other night. It’s just that those guys were being so… so…”

“Human?” I finished for her

Her mouth dropped. “But they were so… and those sluts were so…”

I shook my head and sighed. They really had no clue. But in this day and age and a total lack of education in the real world, they probably thought the fantasy world many of their teachers preached and the corrupt media echoed was reality. “What about them?”

“They were putting it out there practically flaunting their boobs!”

Well, in for a penny in for a pound. “As opposed to hiding them behind foam padding.”

“But we were looking hot.”

I shrugged, “To a woman maybe, but only momentarily to a man. The outfit might catch our eye, but then we look at what’s behind it, try and figure out what she’s hiding.”

“I wasn’t hiding anything.”

I raised an eyebrow at that.

“I wasn’t!”

“But how do I know you don’t have some long sagging udders rolled up in the padded bra?”

Marci’s mouth dropped open and Cherry sprayed me with a mouth full of water.

“Just like that sports bra. All the lines and patterns are meant to obscure what’s hidden behind it. Not to mention adding another layer of the shirt. It practical screams ‘I’m hiding something’ to any man that looks.”

Our food arrived, Marci got hers to go. Cherry and I ate in silence for a bit.

“Are guys really that… primitive?”

“More like biological. Women want to fall in love before having sex, while guys want to make sure the sex is good before falling in love.”

She looked at me stopping in mid bite.

“All your romance novels and such. The fantasy world a lot of the teachers and professors promote are all about good feelings and fairness. It’s not the real world, and for the most part it never will be. Equal opportunity is in no way related to equal outcome.” I sighed, “Can we eventually remember to put the toilet seat back down? Sure.”

Cherry smiled and finished her bite.

“But stopping us from watching a woman’s ass as she walks away, her chest move as she walks toward us, even wanting to reach out and caress that ass and give it a bit of a squeeze, that’s all biological.”

She smiled and shook a finger at me as she ate.

“That ranks right up there with the woman that thinks she can train the man she wants into doing things the way she wants him to do it. Little things maybe, but wanting to ravage you in a bikini and ignore you in a parka is just mother nature.”

“Ouch, had a bad one did you?”

I shrugged, “First marriage, and a few bad girlfriends since.”

“So give me an example.”

“Well first off you have to assume you aren’t wearing a live bra…”


I smiled, “A live bra, one that can stand up all on its own.”

Cherry groaned and shook her head.

“So you see a guy glancing several times at your chest. Do you hunch to hide, ignore him, sit back a bit to give him a better view, or arch your back and cross your arms behind your back?”

I give her credit, I didn’t get a shower this time, but she was coughing and looking at me bug eyed.

I shrugged, “Guess which end of that men and women are on?”

“I mean, the pink lace corset was hot, but you can’t wear that all the time,” I continued.

She about choked on what she was eating. “When did you…”

I smiled remembering those nice dark nipples showing through, “Birthday,” was all I said.

“But I had my shirt over…”

I was still smiling as the blush went up her chest, then shook my head.

Cherry gasped and ran for the door, and yes I watched her ass as she did. I paid for our meals and went back to driving. I revisited the birthday and down blouse videos that evening.

And life went on.

It was several months later in the sweltering heat of summer, and I was mid-way through editing my latest video treasure. A young woman in a scoop neck crop top and gray leggins.

A nice pair of large C or small D cups, braless of course, and some prominent nipples standing out. The occasional beam of sunshine across her lap giving evidence to a hungry shaved pussy. Several nice speed bumps and pot holes making her bounce up enough to give me some nice bare underboob, and one good side turn had her nipple almost popping out the neck line. I did get a nice shot of a large dark crinkled firm areola though.

I was about half way through cropping and slo mo’ing the bouncing tits when I got a text.

‘We still friends?’

I smiled, not sure if friends was quite the right term. ‘What’s up?’

‘Was wondering if you’d drive us to the club and back Saturday?’

‘The usual gang?’

‘Not quite, and no Marci so we’d need to use your car.’

‘Send me the info and I’ll look at it.’

Just because I could, I put a nice still shot of Cherry in her pink lace corset on my monitor while I went through her text.

The addresses were a bit more spread out, and I smiled and shook my head, it was four names, an extra space, and then Sonya. A different club I had to look up as well.

I didn’t recognize it, so I gave Lance a call. He made a few calls. He talked to the owner, but no VIP treatment on a Saturday night. Best he could do for us would be complimentary valet parking and a reserved eight top.

Arrangements were made and I planned my pick up route. Sonya was in the middle.

This club was a few notches up from Lance’s place. Fancier shorter outfits and a lot less bras from all the pointed movements on my herd. I settled in and the girls took off. It was nice that a few of them had taken some of what I said to heart.

Cherry still had a lace bra on, but the neck line was lower and the top thin enough to see the lace texture. Sonya still had a bit of something on, but she at least had some movement there.

I was enjoying the view as they came and went. A couple hours in they all returned with several friends and two cackling like mad. I had to rotate my ear bud just to make sure it was all good.

Extra chairs were drug up, but they were still one short, so Sonya proceeded to make a big show of wiggling her ass as she settled in and sat on my lap. Problem was I had the natural reaction to a twenty one year old barely covered wiggling ass in front of me.

Sonya shifted a bit, then I felt more than heard a soft groan as she realized when she was sitting on. Leaning back against my chest giving me a look down her top and a baby blue demi cup bra didn’t help. If this was a different situation, I would have brought both hands up to cup and play with them before one of them went clit hunting.

And she was still grinding on my hard on until they went back to the dance floor, she was giggling and whispering to Cherry and another girl. They both glanced at me, but I ignored it.

I should have known better.

After the next round of epileptic fits, Cherry came back with her top unbuttoned two more buttons letting a fair amount of pink lace show… and she ground as she settled back on my lap even though there were three chairs open. Her groan was not so subtle.

Sonya was giving her the eye.

The girls upped their game.

Sonya took the next round, after prominently depositing her baby blue bra in the bag with her purse. She sat back and ground on my cock while giving me one hell of a look down her top and her little pointed B cup tits, maybe even a large A for the way they stood up.

“They look like they need to be nibbled on,” I whispered in her ear.

Her nipples crinkled up, and she turned her head slightly, “Them and a few more things,” she whispered back as she rotated front to back on my hard cock. She was one of the last ones to leave the table, and she turned and bent over enough to let her top gap fully putting those pointed beauties on full display before she went dancing.

I watched them all, but I kept a close eye on her since she was usually facing my way and making sure I had a good view of her chest and nipples poking out.

But Cherry wasn’t backing down. She hadn’t lost the pink lace, but she did fold the cups down putting her firm dark nipples out where they could be noticed. As she ground on my lap and leaned back, those dark firm nipples stood out nicely in her thin top.

Her top was clingy enough that I didn’t get a look at bare nipples, but the prominent points gave her something hard to squirm on… then I was drug to the floor for a cuddling slow dance with my ear buds. I had a soft woman with hard nipples pressed to my chest while grinding her mound on my cock.

Not much later, I had a petite woman wanting the same. But about half way through the dance, she turned her back to me and leaned back letting her top flutter as she ground her ass against my cock. Just as the song was about to finish, she pulled my hands up from her waist to just under her tits, pulling them away as she brought them up just grazing her hard nipples before turning and pulling my head down for a soft kiss.

In a bit different location she would have been bent over something screaming in orgasm for that. I was glad it was about the end of the night.

We only had four to drop off tonight. We all chuckled as the first girl managed to stumble to her door. Cherry was next, and I got quite the kiss before she made a pretty decent walk to her door. I had to help the third, she fell asleep in the back seat.

Sonya was my last drop off, but after she released her seat belt, she didn’t open her door, she turned and crawled across the console for a long deep kiss, the tips of her nipples just barely pressing my chest.

It startled me a bit, and then a moment later I was back in high school. I wrapped my arms around Sonya and drew her close. A little squeak and then a sigh into our kiss said she was good.

And since her arms were wrapped around my neck, I let my hands go wandering. My right made it to her firm ass first. There was a hitch in her breath as I got a good grip, but she wasn’t slowing down.

As my other hand arrived under her tit the kiss stopped. She didn’t pull away, but she stopped. Then the kiss returned as she arched back to allow me access to her tit. If I hadn’t been locking lips I would have chuckled at the guttural groan as I cupped her tit. The gasp as I rolled her hard nipple between thumb and finger just got her more wound up.

We were well past steaming up the windows when Sonya pulled back gasping for air then licked her lips smiling. “Are you staying for breakfast?”

Since it was just after 2 am., that left several hours to find something to do. “How do you like your eggs?”

She squealed and wrapped her arms around me to resume our kiss, then pulled back and was scrambling for her door. I followed at a bit more stately pace, she was impatiently waiting at her door dancing from one foot to the other.

She dashed in as I got to the door, and was waiting on the middle of the living room. I began to raise my arms and she was against me. She giggled as I lifted her by her ass to bring her up to kiss.

Sonya squirmed down a few moments later and pushed me to the couch and climbed on my lap to continue.

She unbuttoned my shirt a bit and played with my chest hair as I cupped and played with both tits. She hesitated a moment as I let my hands drop to the hem to try and put my hands up under. That hesitation was followed by both arms flashing straight up.

I smiled, that works for me!

I lifted her top a little slowly, taking in the bare skin as it appeared. My eyes locked to her small pointed tits and hard nipples on crinkled areola. She began to bring her hands down to cover her tits, but I stopped one and surrounded her nipple with my lips.

She wasn’t real convinced at first, but after groping and nibbling on her tits and nipples for a while she relented to my enjoyment of them.

Now she hadn’t just been sitting there for my enjoyment. Sonya had been grinding on my hard cock while I enjoyed her tits, and she was starting to get a bit aggressive. After a squeeze of ass, rolling one nipple between fingers and nipping the other she roared and stood up. Well kinda.

She leaned forward and started in on my belt and then pants. They and my shorts were pulled down to just above my knees and then I was attacked. Sonya was bobbing for her life for a minute or so, then she shucked her jeans and thong on one move, launched for my lap, and impaled herself on my cock.

She screeched as she bottomed out on me, I think we were still for a few seconds, then the reality of a hot tight coed landing on my cock set in. I grabbed her tiny waist and lifted her enough to pull partially from her, then jammed her right back down on me.

Pretty soon we had the motion of the couch springs sorted out and were bouncing her high and hard on my cock. She started screaming and wrapping her arms around my neck, and that set me off holding her down tight on my cock as I erupted in her spasming pussy.

We were panting in each other’s ear, and Sonya giggled, “Basted.”


“My eggs,” she clenched her pussy on my cock. Only her being planted down tight on me kept her in me. “I like them basted in a nice warm creamy sauce.” Then she squeezed again and I was pushed to the entrance of her pussy.

“Oh fuck,” I moaned when what she said sunk in.

She giggled again, “Relax, I’m on the pill. But it doesn’t hurt to practice now does it?”

I swatted her ass, “Naughty girl.”

Sonya leaned forward and pressed her tits into my chest as she went hunting for my tonsils. “I haven’t even gotten started on naughty yet.” She grabbed her top and stuffed it between her legs as she got up. She shook her ass at me, then turned and shook her tits at me. “You do my back, and I’ll let you do my front.”

I was kicking my shoes off and slipping out of my pants as I heard the shower start. I came in as she was stepping in, but held the door open for me.

Sonya slowly rotated under the shower to wet her body, the glistening just made her curves all the hotter. She handed me her body wash and turned her back to me. I started at her shoulders, that got me a sigh. Taking my time with her ass got me a nice moan.

I was going to do her legs but she decided to turn for me to do her chest. I took my time making sure both of those delicious points were very clean. Soap a little, squeeze and play a little, rinse and repeat.

I lathered her pussy, then pulled her with her back to me facing the shower and rinsed her down with my hands going all over her. Sonya decided I’d be clean enough with just the rinsing I got. She shut the shower off, grabbed one towel and tossed it to me and wrapped another around her tiny body.

I could only stare as she wrapped her body. The towel that barely went around me was a wrap and a half for her. A few wispy little curls on her mound, a flat belly, and those small tits. Physically she looked like a middle school girl, not a college sophomore.

I was being pulled to the bedroom. Sonya turned on a little light on the night stand, dropped her towel, ripped mine off, and pushed me back to the bed.

For a minute I thought she was actually going to land on me as she jumped to the bed. Landing beside me then rolling on top, arms going behind my neck as she drug her body up just a little more. My hands going to her firm ass as her lips found mine. One hand leaving that ass to go behind her to hold her tight as our tongues battled.

I rolled us to her back and began nuzzling my way down her neck, a little gasp as I hit that soft spot where neck and shoulder meet. Taking my time as she arched to put her tit to my mouth.

But I didn’t hurry past her tits, for two very good reasons.

First, tits with firm nipples are just plain fucking fun to play with and nibble on. Second, because most women with small tits think guys don’t want to play with them and some of us actually like them. Third, because she made the most wonderful noises when I nipped her nipple. And fourth, because if I got much closer to that aromatic pussy it was going to get eaten or fucked to oblivion or both. My brain was in such a fog now I was having a hell of a time not sliding down and diving in!

That decision was taken away from me. Sonya reached for my aching cock and brought it to her wet lips and pushed down to me.

My lips came off her tit as I grabbed her shoulders and rammed deep in her pussy. I was met with squeals and heels in my ass until the squeals turned to screams for more and more and more as her pussy foamed around my cock until I couldn’t hold off and planted my cock deep and filled her. Collapsing down on her and just holding on as I emptied every last bit I had in her…

I woke without opening my eyes, reveling in the feeling. I had something warm and mostly soft curled up against me. The hard parts seemed to be two chewy points. One in my side and one in my chest.

I cracked an eye enough to know that if I turned my head I was going to kiss her forehead.

She giggled when I did and rolled on to my chest. She put her chin on her crossed arms and smiled at me, “Hi!”

My hands roamed her soft smooth back, “Hi back at you.”

She rolled up on her tits to give me a quick kiss, then slid back down and rested her head on her arms.

“You okay?” I asked.

She wiggled and ground her body on top of me, then got a few extra grinds of her shaved pussy on my hardening cock. “Best in a long time.”

I chuckled at her giggle when she ground into me.

Her head came up grinning, “You staying for breakfast?”

I reached down and cupped both cheeks, “I guess I could be talked into it.”

She grinned and hopped from the bed, then tossed a t-shirt in the air and practically walked into it with arms in the air as she left the room.

I just grinned and rolled out at a statelier pace for my age and slipped my shorts on.

Sonya was scurrying around the kitchen making breakfast in a t-shirt that went to her calves, the neck line was just above her nipples, and I knew that because it was not only thin enough to have a lovely silhouette when back lit, but sun lit from the front I clearly made out those delicious points trying to break free.

In my daydream of ogling Sonya, breakfast was done and on the table.

I got the reader’s digest version of Sonya. Almost genius IQ with about an eighty-five percent photographic memory, flew through regular school, college, and med school. Started her residency on her twentieth birthday, and in two years is two thirds of the way through a six year residency program.

I just stared at her with fork halfway to my mouth, “Wow,” I said softly. “You’re folks must be real proud of you.”

Her smile dropped. “Mom passed almost four years ago, cancer.”

“Shit,” I said softly.

“Stage four when they found it. Only thing we could do was make the best of her last days. I took a year off med school, pissed her off something fierce, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Her head dropped, then came back up. “Dad was a smiling soldier until the funeral, then crawled inside himself for several months. We drug him back, but he’s never really come back all the way. They were together one way or another since they were six. I know some day, not too far down the road, I’ll get that call again.” Her lip was trembling.

I dropped my fork to the plate with a clatter and went around the table to hold her. She clung to me trembling but not quite crying.

“Is there anybody still living at home?”

“My brother Pete lives three doors down and keeps an eye on him. But we all see it, he’s hollow on the inside without her.”

“Are you guys worried he might… do something?”

Sonya snorted. “No, as bad as he is, if he did anything like that, Mom would meet him with her favorite rolling pin in her hand swinging it at him.”

I couldn’t help it, I snorted, and then chuckled. “I guess I know who wore the pants in the family.”

I heard Sonya chuckle against my chest, “Daddy said there were times he swore he was born saying ‘Yes Dear.’”

She tipped her head back and looked at me with watery eyes. “So. Is there a Mrs. Foster somewhere out there?”

I lost my smile and sighed. “There was, she traded me in for an older model.”

Sonya looked at me, “HUH? I thought you were supposed to trade in for a newer model.”

I tipped my head looking at the ceiling, “Not if the older one has a lot more money it seems.”

“Damn,” she said as she tucked her head back under my chin.

I just shrugged. “We met in college. She was in a management course, I was headed into investment banking. We got along well, and agreed kids would be several years down the line once we were financially secure. The wedding was spectacular with her dad’s money, everything was rosy.”

“So what happened?”

I snorted, “We went to our fifth year reunion.”

She pulled back to look at me again, “What did she do?”

I leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. “It wasn’t what she did then, it was what she did long ago. I was chatting with one of my buddies, we’d both had several drinks, and I mentioned that Mar and I were thinking about having kids in a few years now that I was on my way to a seat on the board.”

“He grinned and about sloshed his drink on me, ‘Well at least you don’t have to put up with diapers if you don’t want to. Do yourself a favor and adopt an older kid. The terrible two’s are called that for a reason.’”


“Yeah, I threatened to beat him to a pulp two days later, and he confessed what he thought I already knew. Mar had her tubes tied before we’d even met. All the talk of kids was just that, talk. Well our biological kids anyway.”


“Yeah. He gave me what little he knew and fell all over himself apologizing, but it wasn’t his fault, everybody just assumed I knew. Did a little digging, and a few months and several thousand dollars later I had a copy of her records.” I snorted, “She didn’t even bother with an assumed name.”

“What… what did you do?”

“Typical dumb male, I confronted her.”

She grinned, “Bet that went over like a lead balloon.”

“Oh yeah, in a matter of minutes she was trying to turn it around on me for violating her privacy, all that kind of shit. How could I even consider asking her to wreck her figure just to have kinds.”

Sonya shook her head and tucked it against my chest.

“It got really ugly for a while. Her dad sent a couple of his thugs over to get the medical documents. They gave me a look when I handed it to them, they lost the look when I asked them how many copies they wanted, I had a whole stack I was going to post on the gates in daddy’s neighborhood.”

She chuckled, “That would have been quite the scene.”

“So it goes back and forth a bit. Daddy starts throwing numbers out between threats. I tossed out different billboard company names between telling him to go fuck himself. When the new boyfriend started adding his checkbook to the mix, I woke up one day and realized I didn’t really want to fight for her, I was just doing it for spite. I threw out one hell of a number to the two assholes, and they surprised me by writing a check. They tried to stick an NDA in there, but I told them I’d meet them in open divorce court first.”

Sonya wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight, “How long’s it been?”

I lifted my arm to check the date on my watch. “Two years ten months and three days.”

Sonya snuggled in, “Any girlfriends since?”

I tried not to chuckle, it’s in a woman’s DNA. “No, not really. There were a few possibilities once or twice, but most women aren’t looking for a middle aged guy that walked away from a lucrative investment banking career.”

Sonya tipped her head back smiling, then put her hand behind my neck to pull me down. “Their loss,” she said just before she kissed me. She held me for a long soft kiss.

I leaned a bit more and grabbed her ass to lift her up to proper kissing level. She just squeaked and sighed never breaking the kiss.

Sonya pulled back, “When do you have to go driving again?”

I smiled, “When you kick me out of here. When do you have to be at the hospital?”

She smiled at the first part, then groaned at the second. “Six am tomorrow morning. That means getting to bed,” I grinned. “To sleep,” I pouted and she grinned. “By around ten or eleven tonight.”

I lifted her enough to hook my arm under her ass. “That gives me a little less than twelve hours to ravage your body, minus meal breaks of course.” Then I lifted her jumbo t-shirt enough to get my head under and wrapped my lips around her nipple.

Sonya squealed and wrapped her arms and legs around me as I walked toward her bedroom. “Fuck the meal breaks, we’ll just order delivery.” She was taking the t-shirt off as we stepped into the bedroom.

I laid her back and dived between her legs, eating her and finger fucking her to three orgasms before my neck gave up and I had to flop over on my back. I chuckled, she tried to pull herself on top of me, I had to get an arm under her to do it for her.

Once her breathing settled, she lifted my cock enough to slide down on me. Laying on me and rotating her hips enough to slide me halfway in and out. That only lasted so long and she groaned sitting up, and again when she took me to my balls.

I laid there and did my best to take notes. Watching her enjoy herself on me while trying not to be distracted by all her noises and firm nipples and undulating belly and clenching pussy and… “CUMMING!”

Sonya was squealing and cumming on top of me.

We laid there panting in each other’s ear as I softened and slipped from her. Her gasp and scramble reaching for something to stuff between us was hilarious. I was scowled at once she got her t-shirt between us.

As much as I would have loved it, I’m at least a decade too old to go for that long in one shot. I had to call time around one and call in pizza to take a break.

If she wasn’t going to be a doctor, I’d swear she was trying to kill me. By six I could barely stand in the shower, and she had to call in the delivery.

I was given the eye when I wanted to just go walking, and again when she found out I had a bag of clothes in the car. She accepted it that I had been spilt on and splashed enough times over the last few years that it was a constant back up.

She grinned from ear to ear when she took my old shirt to wear for our walk. We held hands and each other during the walk, just enjoying being with each other. I wasn’t real happy it would be a week until she was free. She was literally at the hospital for the next week straight, even sleeping in the bunk room and eating in the cafeteria.

I did at least find out what hospital, so if I had a run in the area I could text her to see if she had time for a bite. If I didn’t get a text back, she was busy.

We connected Thursday… kinda. I parked, she met me at the door. She shoved me in a closet and tried to put her tongue down my throat after she climbed up on me. I had one hand up her scrubs but not in her bra yet when her pager went off.

She dropped enough to straighten out her scrubs before opening the door. I got a quick kiss before she turned and ran with the rest of the herd. One of the girls coming up behind her smiled and winked at me as I turned to leave. Sonya said she got a ration of shit for two days and grinned every time.

That doesn’t mean we didn’t talk and text. When she was on a break of some sort, she’d text me, and again when she went back on duty. I can’t tell you how many times she texted me when I had a passenger, and again just as I dropped them off making me miss her.

I tried taking a morning off, then got bored and went driving. I got a text as I was picking up the second passenger… all the way to the airport!

We did talk Saturday evening, and I could tell from the sound of her she was dragging. I offered to come over when she got home, but she said she would be sleeping most of Monday and Tuesday just to catch up.

I told her if she texted me Tuesday, I’d bring Olive Garden over for supper.

I think the giggle was a yes.

She texted me her order, and I added a few things to it as well as mine. Grabbed some soft drinks from the store and a little bouquet of flowers and headed over.

Sonya groaned at the Olive Garden bags, she squeaked and snatched the flowers. I just grinned, she was wearing my shirt.

The flowers were in a glass in the middle of the table, and she tore into the food. “Real food…” she groaned between bites. We ate, and chatted very little.

Cuddled up on the couch with a movie we’d both seen. Telling me bits and pieces of her work week in the slow parts. Falling asleep cuddled under my arm by half way through.

I barely held off laughing until she cleared the room when she woke near the end and had to make a ‘potty run.’ Literally running.

I got up and joined her in the shower when I heard it start. We cuddled and soaped, but I had to carry her to bed before she fell over.

Sonya was mostly back with the living by Wednesday, and devoured the leftovers for lunch. I had to make a run for more for supper.

We took a walk after, and were just hitting the park about sunset. It was a nice evening with a gentle breeze.

I stopped her, and before she could ask a question, I put my finger to her lips. I took my second ear bud from its case and gave it to her. She grinned and put it in while I went through my play list.

We danced slow and soft to the sunset, kissing just as it went down. A long soft shower, followed by a not long enough evening in bed doing our best to bring each other to new heights.

We had to sleep in, but I couldn’t complain with her spooned in front of me as I cupped her little tit.

With Sonya’s work schedule, we saw each other as much as we could. The one time I actually got to eat lunch, well most of it, with her at the hospital had her grinning. Two other tables were keeping a close eye on us.

When there was a chorus of pagers, I managed to get a half way decent kiss and a fairly decent swat at her ass as she scooted off. It was hilarious to see her fast walk off while trying to glare at me over her shoulder.

I sent her a text later asking when she wanted me to kiss it and make it all better.

I was emailed links for three different Italian restaurants with take out for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

My stamina is improving, I made it most of the way through Tuesday this time. Thursday was still a lot of cuddling and talking and walking. Dancing in the park has gotten to be a thing with us. I love the cool nights when she snuggles under my coat with her arms around me.

I got a good look at her sneaky / possessive side two months later. I had managed to get Sonya out to a good steak house instead of Italian, and we had just finished our meal waiting on dessert when she got a text from Cherry wanting to know if she wanted in on another Friday night at the club.

She grinned when she texted back only if they were going to that first club that they got to sit in the VIP area.

I got a text from Cherry just as we walked in the door at Sonya’s asking about getting a ride to the club next Friday. Five girls and I only had four seats available. And Marci and her van were not part of the list. It made me wonder what she was hiding behind that padding.

I sent her one back that I’d think on it and get back to her.

Sonya was grinning. “What’s to think about? Just drop them at the club, then come back and pick me up. We can come in together.”

I grinned and leaned down to give her a soft kiss, “Together huh?”

She realized just how she said that, “Well I mean… um.”

I leaned down a little further and hooked my arm under her ass to bring her tits to mouth level. She squealed while almost ripping the buttons loose on her top. As she separated it I popped the front catch on her bra and suckled a hard nipple.

I love the groan she makes when I do that. And even though she knows it’s coming, she does the same when I switch nipples. When I bring my fingers to that vacated nipple, there are usually some interesting noises followed by a grunt of some sort that eventually includes syllables closely resembling ‘bed’.

She has at least learned to duck a little as we go through the door. She says I should just scoot down a bit, I just grin when I remind her how she likes forcing her tit into my mouth a little more. She just blushed and smiles.

I texted Cherry back the next morning with my plan as Sonya was making breakfast naked. She made extra eggs, she said I was going to need LOTS of energy.

I’m going to have to start eating more eggs when I’m not at her place.

I did have to chuckle. We spend most of our time together at her place. She decided way back when we were starting out she needed to spend time at my place. We only spent one night there.

I’m an old bachelor a little under three years out of a nasty divorce in a small two bedroom apartment. One bedroom is mostly boxes because I’m too cheap to rent a separate storage room and too lazy to take the time to go through them.

I have a double bed, an old love seat with an end table and a TV tray. The kitchen is wide open with no table and chairs and half of the cabinets are empty because I don’t really have anything to put in them.

The microwave and convection oven work very well. I only need one of the top burners on the stove and I have no idea if the oven works, I’ve never used it.

The closest I come to cooking is getting something out of the freezer and putting it in or on one of the above mentioned appliances. Usually its mozzarella sticks or fish sticks in the convection oven. Although lately I’ve gotten into Ramen Noodles now that I found out I could do them in the microwave.

We’ve made a few visits to my apartment to get or leave something, but all of our quality ‘us time’ is spent at her place.

But back to the grinning woman beside me.

I dropped the other four off at the club, Lance was going to escort them to the VIP table knowing I was making a quick run a few blocks away to get a straggler. We got back and he let me have the reserved spot again.

We didn’t get out of the car right away, seems a lot of pre kissing was involved before we went inside. She grinned when she took her bra off and hung it on the steering wheel. With tonight’s crowd, there was no hiding who it belonged to, everybody else was a C cup or larger.

We got to the table, and Sonya decided to claim her territory. I had no more sat down and she turned to face me across my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck and continued what we started in the car.

When we came up for air, two of the other girls were standing there. One grinning and one pissed. Cherry was not happy we were together. She gasped when Sonya got up, and immediately placed the ‘Reserved’ tent from the center of the table on my lap.

I slapped my hand over my eyes and groaned. Lance literally fell off his stool by the door laughing.

There looked to be some heated discussion out on the dance floor, but Sonya was smiling when she pulled me to the floor and took one of my earbuds handing me a regular ear plug.

We danced twice more that night, and Cherry found a different ride home. One of the other girls decided to stay later and try her luck as well.


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I never got another text from Cherry, and she rarely texted Sonya. Even then it was usually about work.

# # #

Sonya helped me filter and sort my room of boxes. Probably half was just stuff I took because I could. Another quarter was things I no longer needed or were very out of date. Sonya thought that part should have been more like thirty percent, but I managed to keep a few of my treasures.

That last quarter took almost a month to go through. I’d start a box, and find something from college. All too much of it was something to do with me and Mar, but it would bring back memories and I’d sit and stare at it for a while. Sonya understood and left me to it mostly.

I didn’t keep much of that, just a few pictures and mementoes. I made a quick run back through that quarter that Sonya thought needed to go when she wasn’t around. I sighed and agreed with her even though I’d never admit to some of it. Between a lot of it going to the thrift store and another good chunk to the dumpster, I probably only kept about fifteen percent… when I made the final move to her place.

Sonya actually got some good news on her dad. Seems he met a woman, in of all places the produce department. He was shuffling on through and just grabbing things and putting them in his cart, when she scolded him for not checking what he was grabbing and gave him a mini lecture on checking produce before putting it in his cart.

Word is he smiled and said ‘Yes Dear’ making her gasp and then wheeled on down the aisle. They ‘ran into each other’ a few more times at the store. And while he won’t admit anything, her brother says there has been a strange car staying overnight fairly regularly at his dad’s place.

Sonya is just three months from completing her residency. It’s good thing, because she’s four months along. That pill worked just fine for a little over a year and a half, but oh well.

She was worried, but I was ecstatic. We have discussed marriage back and forth, and decided to wait until after she finished her residency. She was worried about waddling down the aisle, but I told her I would pick her up and carry her if she wanted me to.

She tried to keep it a secret, but a glowing woman can only hide things for so long. Three different OBGYN’s have taken her under their wing and are keeping her duties light for the last months.

I still drive when she works. She was rather pissed when I showed her that I had some money tucked away from daddy and the new husband paying me off. But it will pay for most of the house when she decides on one, and have a nice bit left over to start a college fund.

I got a text to finish my day and be home by four. Sonya came in the door at four thirty stripping clothes off as soon as the door closed behind her.

I just grinned, pregnant woman hormones are just sooooo terrible to have to deal with.

Miyamoto Musashi once said, ‘Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.’ Or in plain English, ‘You can’t fix stupid, no matter how hard you try.’