Voodoo Pt. 03: Magic by Robingreen678,Robingreen678

I am a mature bi woman. I hope you enjoy my stories and comment on what you liked and perhaps didn’t like to help me improve my writing. Be warned, I sometimes, to better frame the scene, include passages from stories I have previously published here.

In this story my principal character, Subrina, (Brie) is a direct descendent of Marie LaVeau who was widely known in the 1800s as the Voodoo High Priestess of New Orleans. Said by some to be the granddaughter of a powerful priestess in Sainte-Domingue, Marie LaVeau reportedly had a background in African spirituality.

As I complete this series with this last story, part 3, it occurs to me that each of these story “parts” really do not stand alone very well and it has not been easy for me to bridge from one to the next. I suggest, dear reader, that you at least read Part 2 — Children, before reading this Part 3 — Magic.

From Voodoo – Pt 2 – Children

There were, however, secrets from the past that would resurface and complicate their lives. Unknown to Will there was a time in Subrina’s college life when she had become a borderline alcoholic and more importantly, if it’s possible for anything to be more harmful, she had become addicted to the wanton sex that followed drinking. Subrina had up until that time only had heterosexual sex until she awoke up from a night of partying naked in bed with her room mate Denise.

At some point in her junior year the two addictions pushed her to seek help. After countless counseling and therapy sessions and then at her therapist’s recommendation, she had taken a break from dating, from men.

Somehow, however, Subrina managed to make an exception for a cute White girl, Keri, with green eyes like hers and great oral skills. Keri was a peer counselor recommended to help Brie quit drinking and in the process Keri introduced her to the soft side of sex. Their brief college relationship left Brie with a better understanding of her basic sexuality and convinced that she was, like Keri, a bisexual. Keri had undoubtedly really helped with the drinking but she only added flames to Brie’s obsession with sex. Keri had a boyfriend and eventually left Brie’s life as quickly as she had entered.

Brie relapsed, but eventually, seeing her school work collapse and her health falter, she quit drinking again and again and again and stopped dating entirely.

Voodoo – Pt 3 — Magic

Years later she was in her studio dark room and the children were downstairs with mom when the bell she had set up in the room to tell her someone had entered her studio rang. She called out, “I’ll be right out, just another minute or two.”

She heard a woman’s voice, “No problem, no hurry.”

When she walked out of the darkroom she was surprised and delighted to see the green eyes of the woman who had led her back to Will. Her hair was different, much darker, almost black. However, standing in front of her was that same woman who had never pick up the pictures of her and her daughter.

Brie smiled and said, “Well, hello! I know you. I think I have those pictures in my files. Hold on I’ll find them.

As she turned to get the pictures the woman said, “No Brie, I didn’t come for those. You didn’t recognize me on the dock when you took the pictures and you still don’t recognize me do you? It’s the hair color. It’s me, Keri!”

It had been almost five years since Keri was in her life. A troubled time, a time when because of her drinking, memories were scattered and disconnected. A time when she first experienced the soft side of sex with this very woman. Keri, the woman who had taught her that you could make love to a woman without being in love.

Subrina was suddenly awakened to the past, to her seemingly long ago time with this woman and inexplicably she thought of Will and the Children.

Keri had changed or perhaps Subrina’s memory was flawed but suddenly only one disconnected question mattered. “Why did you come back, if you don’t want the pictures?”

Keri did not answer but stepped forward and kissed Brie. Brie did not resist but rather reconnected to a long ago love and returned the kiss parting her lips slightly. As Keri’s tongue slid along her lips she submissively opened her mouth more.

As Subrina tried to understand, Keri told her, “Don’t worry, I won’t fuck up your life. I know you have a husband and children. I do as well.”

Keri pushed away slightly and continued, “I was in town without my husband and I wanted to see if you still kiss as good as you used to.” She laughed and the mood lightened. Brie relaxed. They talked for a while and made plans to have lunch.

As Keri left, Brie stood in the doorway wondering what she would tell Will and if perhaps she had just made a big mistake by agreeing to lunch.

Keri would only be in town for one day after their lunch so Brie rationalized that nothing would come from just a lunch. She had learned that Keri lived in Massachusetts, was married and had only the one child. What could be the harm? Unknowingly she was already giving in to Keri’s dominant nature when she agreed to meet at her hotel.


Brie was torn but in the end decided to tell Will. That same evening as they talked in bed about their day she raised the subject.

The conversation started with, “Do you remember the woman……..”

It continued with, “It turns out that although I didn’t recognize her at the time I took the pictures, I knew her in college……..”

Brie was honest and detailed, “Yes, back then she was more than just a friend……”

She asked him to accept what was, “I was never with a woman since……”

She asked for permission, “So do you think it would be ok to have lunch with her?”

Will listened carefully to the entire long story and smiled. He kissed her gently and glanced down toward his feet. When Brie lifted the sheet she saw he had an erection.

Brie asked him laughingly, “My confession turned you on? You pervert, what were you thinking?”

Will laughed and said, “I was just imagining myself getting lucky with two beautiful women.”

Brie took his erection in her hand and with a big smile on her face said, “In your dreams, pal. Now tell me if you’re ok with me having lunch with her before I hurt you.”

Will kissed her quickly, “I want you happy, baby. If being with her makes you happy then I’m happy. Have lunch, see what happens.”

Brie straddled him as she kissed him and as he caressed her breasts she slipped her hips back and he entered her. Brie fucked him until she felt the wave of her orgasm and right after he emptied himself in her.


Lunch was Thursday. Mom had the children and Brie drove to the hotel. When she arrived, as they had planned, she called Keri on a hotel house phone. As the phone rang she looked up and saw Keri approaching. Dressed entirely in black with tight slacks and a sleeveless top she looked……sexy.

She approached Brie, she took her by the hand and said, “Hi Brie. Come with me. I found a great place to eat and transportation is waiting outside.” As they exited the hotel there was a horse drawn carriage waiting.

They climbed in and sat opposite each other. Keri handed the driver folded bills and asked that he take them to Mother’s Restaurant. The driver looked at the money he was handed and Brie saw that at least the outermost bill was one hundred dollars. He said, “Yes Ma’am!” And the horses pulled the carriage forward.

Keri shifted position to sit next to Brie in the carriage and talked about the Jambalaya at Mother’s Restaurant and how much she loved New Orleans. All the while she kept her warm hand on Brie’s thigh just where her shorts ended.

As they rode along they talked about the past, their husbands, their babies, their hopes and dreams. Like old friends seeing each other for the first time in a long time. Lots of laughter. Brie was coming to understand that this woman was dangerous. The raw chemistry she felt was frightening. All the time they were together Keri was touching Brie in some way, a hand on her thigh, her arm, always in physical contact.

When they arrived the driver asked Keri if he would be needed for the return trip. Keri smiled and said, “Very kind of you sir, we’d appreciate that.”

The Jambalaya was as good as she said and on the way back to the hotel they made plans to meet again if either were in the others home town. When they arrived Keri hugged and kissed Brie gently in the hotel lobby and thanked her for coming. They said good bye and Keri turned and started for the elevators.

When Keri turned to glance one last time at Brie leaving she saw that she had not left but rather was following her into the elevator.

Not a word was said as the elevator went up to the tenth floor. Not far down the hall Keri put her card to the door and it opened. Still not a word. They entered the room and Keri closed and locked the door.

Brie was standing there looking at her. Then they were kissing. Then they were naked and Keri was, as Brie had hoped, the aggressor. On the bed in each other’s arms they kissed and their hands explored. As Brie’s hand touched her thigh Keri spread her legs apart just enough and used her feet and legs to lift and expose her herself. Keri’s hand found the forest of black pubic hair and her fingers found and probed the moist opening. Keri shuttered slightly as a small but delightful orgasm swept up from her center. Keri’s breasts were easily twice the size of hers and Brie marveled at their weight and firmness as she caressed them and sucked her thick pink nipples.

Keri again took the initiative and pushed Brie’s head down and between her legs and watched as, without further encouragement, this beautiful Black woman licked from her butt hole to vagina and clit. Neither woman would be called a racist but both marveled in the obvious contrasts as their Chocolate and White skin overlapped everywhere.

Two hours went by quickly and as Brie was urgently dressing to leave she finally spoke, “I too wondered if you were still as good a kisser as I remembered.”

Brie and Keri met every few months and Brie reported in some detail to Will each time. Brie was rewarded for each report with a magnificent orgasm as Will fucked her hard as she shared the explicit details of her encounter.


Will and Brie were lifelong sailors. They came at it from different places but they both enjoyed it as something they had in common and could do together. Will began sailing in an old sailboat with his dad when he was only six. Helping out on his family fishing boat kept Will on the water and near his dad but really gave them very little real time together as they each went about their own jobs and worked hard to ensure paying customers had a good time. Sailing was something Will and his dad could do together, just the two of them, a small boat, lots of talking and the ocean.

In high school Will and Brie would sail that same small boat together whenever they could in the tourist off season.

Over the years, they moved from that old wooden nineteen foot Lightning sailboat Will’s dad gave them to a twenty-five foot fiberglass boat. Will called the boat their ‘camper’ because it actually had a pop top they could raise like a travel trailer. It wasn’t a cruising boat by any means but the children loved ‘Puffin’ and the family enjoyed many weekends sailing swimming and exploring the Louisiana coast line together. They named the boat ‘Puffin,’ not after the beautiful northern costal bird, but rather because its little outboard motor was so feeble they could barely move against even the slightest current if they depended on the motor alone.

Will and Brie often talked about buying a bigger boat but never found the perfect boat they both wanted. They always said to each other that a perfect boat would eventually come along and they could use it with their children and even grandchildren and eventually in retirement for perhaps living aboard and cruising on their own.


Will and Brie were married for more than ten years when they first heard of the Crealock 37. It belonged to a young lawyer who recently joined Will’s law firm, Driscoll and Johnson, and was relocating from Salem, Massachusetts to New Orleans. The boat was already 10 years old when he and his new bride bought it only three years before but later that same year they learned that she had Multiple Sclerosis and couldn’t sail so they had not used it much and didn’t want to bring it south when they moved.

Will told Subrina about the Crealock but he couldn’t quite tell if she was just humoring him when she said: “Oh, its in Salem Massachusetts then it must be the boat we have been waiting for.” When he showed her pictures of the boat under sail it was boat love at first sight, if there is such a thing, but she didn’t say a word. Will already knew he had to own the Crealock. With its dark green hull and tanbark colored sails it was the most beautiful sailboat he had ever seen. With just a little research they found that the Crealock 37 is an off-shore capable boat they could comfortably take anywhere in the world and of course it came with the ultimate rationalization for buying a seventy-five thousand dollar, thirteen year old sailboat, “the children will love it.” After only one day of consideration they wired the marina handling the sale a deposit to hold the boat. They cleared their business calendars and flew to Boston two weeks later. In Boston they rented a car at the airport and drove the short distance to Salem Massachusetts to be either disappointed or purchase the boat and sail it home.

They were thrilled to take a break from their business lives and perhaps spend time together doing something the both loved, sailing. They ordered a survey (home inspection for a boat) before they left home and if all went well and there were no problems, the trip back to New Orleans would be the longest sail either of them had ever experienced and they looked forward to the time together.

During the flight to Boston and the drive to Salem from the airport Brie told Will all she had learned over the years about Salem, the witch trials, and the burning and drowning of suspected witches. She told him again what she knew about the legend that red haired women were often burned with no other evidence that they were a witch than the color of their hair. Will asked her with a smile, “In spite of your ancestors, you are not really a witch, are you?” Brie didn’t really answer his question directly but rather changed the subject by saying she hoped the boat wouldn’t have any real Salem witch heritage. She then asked Will if he knew the boats name. That was, of course, the one thing he had forgotten to ask the prior owner. She then tried to get him to talk about if they should change the boat’s name if they didn’t like it and if so what they might name it, but it was Wills turn to change the subject.

Will spent a lot of time in his youth in and around boats and he had heard from his dad and others, tales of misfortune that followed those who changed the name of a boat. Even though she would never admit it he knew that Brie thought of herself as a witch sometimes and there was Subrina’s red hair and the boats home port of Salem to consider. Will thought there were too many bad omens to be tempting fate by changing the name no matter what it was. He didn’t answer her directly however, and said “We’ll see, we don’t have to make that decision now.”

Subrina dropped the subject and didn’t say anything more because she had discreetly asked the owner the boats name even before she had agreed to the trip. She was a witch after all and these things were important. She found out that the boat had a number of plastic sticker names over the years and that he had informally named the boat Magic until he could decide on the final name to record with the boats legal documentation. Legal documentation is important for a vessel of the Crealock’s size and he assured her that the boats documentation carried no name. He only used Magic temporarily because the boats home port was Salem. He also agreed to not mention their discussion to Will.

Their arrival at the marina in Salem could not have been more perfectly timed. The boat was out of the water for the survey and it was bigger and more beautiful than they thought it would be. In their minds, at least, it was sold even before a sea trial (an extensive test sail) or they saw the results of the survey.

They walked around the boat and Will saw the name first. The boat did have a name, a name that surprised him. For a moment he thought it really must be Brie’s doing. Brie saw it just a second later and deliberately looked at Will accusingly but with a sly smile on her face. Almost at the same instant Will said: “It wasn’t me!” almost as though he was guilty of something. Brie didn’t say a word, just smiled and continued to walk around the boat.

Even before they arrived in Salem Brie decided that she liked the name Magic and was sure Will would as well. Before they left New Orleans, and with the consent of the current owners, she called and asked the marina, as a condition of sale, to put the name on the boat and in her exact requested colors, placement and size. The marina, of course, then checked with the owner and with his approval added the name. There on the transom in beautiful gold leaf letters was the boat’s name and home port, MAGIC, SALEM MA.


The following day they met with the boat surveyor and as they hoped he found nothing seriously wrong. He did, however, have a long list of recommended upgrades, updates and modifications for extended off-shore cruising and better, more comfortable living accommodations. He confessed to loving the boat and offered his services to help them negotiate with Salem harbor shipwrights and marine supply shops. His only condition was that before they left Salem they take him along for sea trials.

Magic was launched, rigged, and moved to a marina owned mooring in Salem harbor. The marina agent was in selling mode and he suggested they sleep aboard to get a good feel for the boat. They agreed and moved their personal gear aboard. He perhaps did not understand that they had worked out an acceptable purchase price with the owner before they left home. That night they took Magic’s inflatable dinghy, they would later name Puffin, to Salem, and as the marina agent suggested, walked the beautiful city harbor-side and enjoyed a nice New England lobster dinner. They then returned to Magic and before he would let her sleep Will insisted on knowing if she was responsible for the name.

Brie told him how she found out that the boats undocumented name was Magic and thought that because of her family history, because the boats home port Salem was the “Witch City”, and because they were searching for their magic boat, the name fit perfectly. She didn’t say it out loud but she expected the new boat would bring continued magic to their family sailing as well. She did tell him how pleased she was when he hesitated and changed the subject when she brought up changing a boats name when they were on the plane. She said that all she did was to have the marina remove the tacky white vinyl letters on each side and put the name where it belonged, on her backside. She did mention that the color choices were hers. She thought she would make it more personal by putting it on the transom with gold letters with red outline. Her red hair after all was one reason they met in the first place.

She laughed and to lighten the moment she reminded him of her ancestry and cautioned him to never forget that she was the real magic in his life and he should never even think that this boat or another woman could ever replace her. Before they fell asleep in the cockpit under Salem stars they had agreed that the boats name would be documented with the Coast Guard as Magic and that the boat was clearly a ‘she’.

The following day they wrote checks, signed the ownership papers and Coast Guard documentation and Magic had new owners.

That very afternoon they began preparations and outfitting for the trip home. Magic’s initial price of seventy thousand dollars was reasonable enough for a Crealock 37 with basic sails and equipment but before they were ready to leave they spent an additional twenty-three thousand dollars on a never ending list of equipment to make Magic truly ocean passage capable and supplies necessary for the trip to New Orleans.

Brie and the surveyor started one of their many trips to town to buy equipment and provisions. Will accompanied them on the first trip and then moved Magic to the dock to begin loading from the dock directly onto to the boat. The marina agent and the surveyor were both very helpful in acquiring and arranging for the installation of what Brie referred to as all their new toys.

Will stowed countless items and began to familiarize himself with Magic’s many features while Brie brought more and more toys to the dock. Finally after they had done a second check, or was it a third, to see that they had everything, Brie made arrangements to return their rental car later in the week.

While he was stowing supplies below decks Will happened upon a yellowed piece of newsprint in a compartment in the galley. He scanned the clipping and saw that it looked to be a wrinkled, faded, hardly legible poem of some sort but too busy with his work he folded it and put it in his shirt pocket thinking, “later, I’ll have time to read it later”. He didn’t give it another thought until that evening when, after a cockpit dinner under Brie’s stars, he found it again in his pocket. He took it out and silently read it as best he could in the light coming from below deck where Brie was uncorking the one bottle of wine they had allowed themselves, and she had brought aboard that very afternoon, to celebrate.

When he had finished reading he called down to her: “Hey Brie, look at what I found earlier today in the compartment just over your head. Read this would you?” He handed it to her just before she climbed back up into the cockpit with wine and two glasses. Brie sat near him and as he poured the wine as she read and the very last section of the poem impressed her.

“There are secrets on that distant shore

Wait not too long to start the sail.”

She reacted only with a very warm smile. He thought back on this much later and thought it might have been the same smile she had when he saw the name Magic on the boat’s transom. Will wondered out loud if she might have put the poem in the compartment for him to find but of course she denied it, handed the poem back to him and said: “Well Will, I promise you that we will not grow old wondering if we waited too long to start the sail.” and she kissed him under the Salem stars. Will went below and put it carefully between the pages of the brand new leather bound ships log Brie gave him as a gift earlier that day. In the years that follow he remembers her promise every time he opens the log.

The following afternoon Brie returned with food and other supplies and as they stowed her purchases she dropped a bomb of sorts, “Will, I had coffee with Keri while I was out today.” Will looked at her but didn’t say a word. It had been a long time, a little more than a year, since he heard that name. Brie continued, “Well you know, it was fate that she lives only ten miles away.” Now she was talking faster, obviously nervous, “Her husband died a year ago and her daughter is living on her own now so I just wanted to say hello…….as long as we were so close by.” Will finally spoke but as the words were leaving his mouth his brain was silently screaming, NO, SHUT UP, “Just coffee?

He saw the look of hurt and then anger on her face. Her speech slowed and her voice became soft and low, a sure sign that she was angry. “Damn it Will, I was honest with you about this from the very beginning. I told you everything that happened between us every time we were together. I did nothing you did not know about. Now I want you to let me have this. She is an experienced sailor and I want her to come with us as far as St. Augustine, she has family there.”

Brie realized that she had said too much, too fast. This was not how she wanted to ask about Keri coming with them.

Will saw a way out of his rash question. He leaned in and touched the side of her face and said, “So does this mean that after all these years you have decided to let me get lucky with two beautiful women?”

Brie smiled and said, “In your dreams…..and I’ll take that as a yes.”

They did not speak about it again but Will the following day cleared the aft (stern/rear end), port (left side facing forward) bunk and closet for their new crew mate.

The last piece of equipment, the refurbished life raft in its canister arrived two days later. One hour later will glanced over at the dock to see a woman standing there waving. As he watched, Puffin, their dinghy with Brie at the helm rounded the stern and headed for the dock. They hugged and loaded Keri’s bags on board the dinghy.

Brie had lowered the boarding ladder to the dinghy when she left and Will waited there by the rail to help them up. Brie handed him the two bags and showed Keri how to safely use the ladder to get aboard. The help was not necessary because this was clearly not Keri’s first time doing this. Will extended his arm and hand out to her to steady her on the ladder. He was surprised by how strong her grip was. When he looked down at her she tilted her face upward toward him and he saw for the first time the face of the woman he suspected deep down that Brie perhaps loved as much as him. Her eyes were, he thought, Brie’s emerald green eyes with the lines a happy laughing woman gets as she ages. Her tanned brow had the wrinkles that come from years of worry and living. Below her eyes were a dozen or so freckles and a perfect smile. A face that made you want to know more about her and her life.

Keri was on board and they exchanged just a quick “Hello, nice to finally meet you” greeting. Will turned and reached down in the same way to steady Brie as she boarded. She looked up at him and he saw for, he thought the first time, that her eyes were darker, still green but darker. As he looked at her he saw the same laugh lines though they were harder to see in her chocolate skin. It was as though he were really really looking at his wife’s face for the first time. She looked at him and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

Will was more formally introduced to Keri by Brie and he gave her the necessary tour of the boat and showed her her bunk area. That afternoon he was on deck checking their mooring and when he descended the companionway ladder, into the main cabin, they were sitting close together talking.

Brie at one point pulled him aside and thanked him for making this happen. He responded by telling her it would work out fine, that he wanted her happy. She squeezed his hand. He then surprised her by telling her that he had ordered dinner from a restaurant in Salem that delivered to boats in the harbor and they would be eating under the stars in the cockpit.

She simply said, “Thank you baby, that’s perfect.”

In the evening the three of them shared the last of the wine and had a great dinner delivered right to their boat. Living on a small boat, yes a thirty seven foot boat is small, presents certain “privacy” challenges. Talking over dinner gave them a chance to talk about some of those without actually talking about sex. There was one person on the boat, Brie, who was having sex with the other two and they needed to work out how the privacy necessary for intimate sex was going to be handled.

In the end the solution was simple. If anyone wanted privacy there was only one place on the boat where they might find it, the forward enclosed berth. So they agreed that if for any reason the door was closed the cabin was temporarily off limits. If it was open it was yours for the taking. They agreed that the port (left side) and starboard (right side) sleeping berths were available to anyone in need of sleep but who couldn’t use the forward cabin. A lot of words, dancing around the issue of sex on board a small boat but it worked.

As the evening wore on Will made fun of the whole “privacy discussion” by saying he was tired and going to bed, “I need to get some sleep. If either or both of you want to join me, I’ll be in the forward berth with the door open.”

Brie said, “Still in your dreams!……I won’t be long.”

As he climbed into the berth he heard a splash. He suck his head out the overhead hatch just in time to see Keri join Brie in the water. He was just going to kiddingly ask them to keep the noise down when he saw them embrace, kiss and sink beneath the water only to pop back up laughing.

He was jealous but in a moment realized he didn’t know which of them he was jealous of.

Will heard them climbing back aboard just as he was dozing off.

In his half sleep he heard just pieces of their conversation.

Brie, “I’ll……..towels.

Keri, “Thanks….talking Will into this.”

Keri again, “Trust…..it…..be fine.”

Brie, “…..worried……..him. Love…..too…….”

Brie, “…..Children……..never know”

Will fell further asleep.

It seemed that he had been asleep for hours but it was perhaps 30 minutes, when he felt her hand on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Brie’s face visible in the moonlight streaming in though the plexiglass of the overhead hatch. Still half asleep he reached out to touch her. His hand found her naked small hard breast and he cupped it for a moment and squeezed her nipple gently before moving his hand down to see if she was wet and would be needing more. He had been married to this woman long enough to know how things worked. If she was naked he might get lucky. If she spread her legs apart slightly and was wet she wanted more. No words were ever necessary.

Then he felt her lifting his knee from behind and reaching between his legs to touch him and he realized that was not possible, she was facing him. It was Keri behind him and he was suddenly completely awake.

He looked at Brie and whispered in her ear, “Baby, we don’t have to do this.”

She touched his face and whispered something that would haunt him later, “I want this, I want to give you to her.”

Tonight, Will went along and enjoyed the two of them. Days later watching them from the helm, as they worked to change sail on the foredeck, he would wonder what she meant by “I want to give you to her.”

But tonight he could feel Keri’s breasts pressing into his side and he turned to lay on his back.

When he did he saw that she too was in the moonlight. As he rolled over she was moving to her hands and knees. Her large breasts hung down from her chest and he put both hands on one and felt it’s weight and size. Unlike Brie the skin of her breast where her bathing suit covered it was white, almost parchment and he, even in the dim light, could see blue veins under that skin running from her chest to her nipple. Her areola was much larger that Brie, covering perhaps half of the front of her breast. Her areola were covered with the small gland bumps that signal arousal. As he caressed her breasts she moved to position herself over his face and lower a nipple into his mouth. Her nipples were longer and much thicker than Bries and tasted of the salt water she was just in.

Both women were looking at his growing erection and Brie was holding it and pulling back the foreskin almost, he thought, showing it off for Keri. He laughed silently at the thought but when Keri mounted him facing him and Brie helped position his penis at the entrance to her vagina he was not so sure it wasn’t planned.

He heard her moan slightly as he entered her. As he watched her face her eyes widened and she had an “oh my” look on her face. As she started riding him sliding his penis in and out of her, her breasts swayed and he reached up to hold them and pinch her nipples. After a while she stopped moving and he felt her whole body shudder. She looked down on him and smiled. Keri moved off him and repositioned her self near his head and Brie took her place on top of him. As she rode him Brie and Keri kissed as he watched and they caressed each other’s breasts.

Brie knew what it would take. She swayed back and fourth as Keri did but she knew what to watch for, when to reach back and gently tug his balls. He exploded and filled her.

Will was beat, tired and literally drained but Brie and Keri were not done. As he watched, they kissed and rolled into each other’s arms beside him. He had heard the stories as Brie told him the details of their encounters but now he was watching his wife go down on this beautiful woman. He was listening to them encourage each other and he found the dirt talk they exchanged very erotic. The three of them eventually fell asleep.


Magic said goodbye to Salem on a beautiful morning with just the right wind for an easy run to open ocean. The weather was wonderful that entire first day and night and all long range forecasts predicted that good weather would be with them at least to South Carolina and perhaps beyond.

They initially set an East-south-east course so they could clear Provincetown Light on the eastern most point of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They planned to avoid the intra-costal waterway and sail far out to sea the entire trip south except for the stop in St. Augustine. Their course would bring them into blue water (nautical for far off shore where the water is sometimes dark blue) and far enough out to sea to avoid shipping lanes along the coast. The shipping lanes were a dangerous place to be in a small boat near any major United States city. Oil Tankers had limited maneuverability and showed little mercy for small sailing vessels.

There was another significant danger in the course they were steering now however. Magic was running south along the east coast at the same time North Atlantic Wright Whales were migrating north. North Atlantic Wright Whales are among the most endangered whales in the world. Efforts are ongoing to prevent whale entanglement in fishing gear but they are also highly vulnerable to ship collision because their primary feeding and migration areas overlap with major east coast shipping. New shipping lanes and extensive measures to reduce ship strikes by slowing ships entering East Coast harbors are in place to protect the slow moving whales. These changes in vessel operations are a part of a comprehensive approach that the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (7) (NOAA) has taken to help Wright Whale populations recover from near extinction.

On their first evening Will spotted Provincetown Light on the horizon far behind them and was reminded of the poem again.

“Now it’s business in middle-aged prime

And maybe tomorrow there’ll be time.”

Will and Brie were already nearing middle-aged prime and except for this trip they had not yet sailed in off shore ocean together or planned a voyage beyond this sail home. But no matter, they would not see land again until the Georgia / Florida border and that suited him just fine.

At sea Magic cleared the Boston shipping lanes and Cape Cod under sail with no problem and they headed south.

Magic was more than they could ever have hoped for. She would sail for hours on her self-steering equipment and not lose their course and when they grew bored they could take the wheel and sail her themselves as though she were a ballerina. They both loved this boat and this time together but for Will it was more than that, he didn’t know exactly what or why but something was changing him more and more with every mile at sea. Salem or not this boat and off shore sailing were true magic to him in every way. Everything aboard Magic worked flawlessly as it should and when it should. Will was falling in love with the boat and ocean sailing just as Brie had warned him not to but he didn’t know it or all that it would come to mean.

The trip was changing Will profoundly and forever. He could sail her for hours with no help from Brie or Keri. As a result, Brie was able to take many whale, sunrise, sunset and other ocean wild life photos.

Her best photos were shots of Will behind Magic’s wheel. Subrina would later write to her daughter Marie that she could almost feel him changing into a different person during the trip, almost as though another woman had come into their lives.

There was always the danger of whales and one of the three of them was always on watch at the helm. Somewhere off the coast of Virginia Brie was on watch in very little wind with the boat barely moving when an inexplicable feeling of dread came over her.

She was surprised when the first whale breached nearby and she started taking pictures. Seven whales surrounded the boat. No one was on deck and when she looked below to find Will or Keri to tell them to come see the whales the forward berth door was closed. She returned to the cockpit with a feeling of regret. Will was making love to another woman and the feeling of dread she felt earlier was amplified. She sat at the helm looking at the whales through the tears that were suddenly filling her eyes.

That evening she sat alone with Will in the cockpit and talked. The following morning Will changed course toward shore to give them the fastest route possible to St. Augustine.


In retirement they spent the days sailing and in the evening they walked the beach and returned to their retirement home, Magic, at anchor in whatever harbor they might find themselves.

At midnight on a cool early Autumn evening they lifted a glass of the best wine on board to celebrate still another anniversary and because of the cool night went below to sleep.

On that night a young sailor rowed his skiff to shore and passed near Magic. He had admired her from a distance and couldn’t pass up this opportunity to get up close to the pretty cutter. As he past near the bow he heard the sounds of people aboard. He had seen no lights and, suddenly embarrassed, and feeling a little like a peeping tom, he headed away as silently and discreetly as he could. As he rowed away he heard a man speaking as though he had suddenly remembered. “I’ll always love you Subrina.”

When he turned and looked back the boat was gone and there was only a ripple in the water. Magic and those aboard had vanished, only a memory in time. He rowed back and found only a small piece of paper with a poem floating in the water. It was frayed and water soaked. All he could read was,

“There are secrets on that distant shore

Wait not too long to start the sail.”